Brad Meisner
Associate Professor
York University
Brad Meisner (he/him) is an Associate Professor at York University in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of York University’s Centre for Aging Research and Education (YU-CARE). Brad’s research focuses on the experiences and impacts of ageism (i.e., age stereotypes, age prejudice, and age discrimination) on the lives and well-being of aging adults. His work is guided by interdisciplinary, collaborative, and applied research approaches. Brad has been a CAG member since 2006 when he joined the CAG Student Connection. From 2014 to 2020, he was a CAG Board Director and Chair of the Educational Gerontology Division. In 2021, he served as Conference Chair of CAG’s 50th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting.

Lori Weeks
Dalhousie University
Lori Weeks (she/her) is a Full Professor in the School of Nursing at Dalhousie University. She is a member of the Healthy Populations Institute, the JBI Centre of Excellence: Aligning Health Needs and Evidence for Transformative Change, and she is an Affiliate Scientist with Nova Scotia Health. Lori’s research focuses care and support services for older adults and their caregivers and factors affecting the health of older adults. Her research often focuses on the needs of vulnerable older adults both in the community and in residential care settings. Lori has been a member of CAG since 1996. She has served as Vice-President since 2020 and also serves on the Editorial Board of the Canadian Journal on Aging.

Michelle Heyer
Chair, Seniors Care
Canadian Institute for Seniors Care
Conestoga College
Michelle Heyer is the Chair, Seniors Care in the Canadian Institute for Seniors Care at Conestoga College. Michelle started her healthcare career as a Nurse’ Aide in long-term care, sparking her interest in nursing and gerontology. Michelle graduated from the Practical Nursing program at Conestoga College in 2005. She then went on to complete her BScN from McMaster University in 2010, and finished her MSc from McMaster in 2017. The focus of her MSc thesis was on the quality of life of older adults in long-term care. Michelle has a vast array of clinical nursing experience including complex-continuing care, palliative care, mental health, acute care and gerontology. In Michelle’s role at Conestoga, she is dedicated to helping prepare nurses to care for older adults with complex needs through gerontological research and education.

Division Chair, Educational Gerontology
Natalia Balyasnikova
Assistant Professor
York University
Natalia Balyasnikova (she/her) is an Assistant Professor at York University in the Faculty of Education. Natalia’s research focuses on adult and lifelong learning, particularly among older immigrant populations. Her work framed by creative approaches to research such as facilitation of oral, written, and multimodal storytelling and poetry to examine the complex learning processes that take place at the intersection of ageing and immigration. Natalia has been a CAG member since 2020 in her role as the Chair of the Educational Gerontology Division.

Division Chair, Health & Bio Sciences
Linda Sheiban Taucar
Conestoga College
Linda Sheiban Taucar (she/her) is a registered nurse and researcher, and currently holds the position of Associate Director, Health Sciences Research at the Canadian Institute for Seniors Care, Conestoga College. She is also a part-time Professor in the Enhanced Practice for Internationally Educated Nurses program at Conestoga College. Linda received her Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Health Studies and Gerontology at the University of Waterloo. Linda went on to receive her Bachelor of Science in nursing degree at York University. Linda uses her joint clinical and research knowledge to advocate for gerontological nursing best practices. She leads applied research activities, focusing on evidence-based care in gerontology and gerontological curriculum development.

Division Chair, Psychology
Alexandra Fiocco
Associate Professor
Toronto Metropolitan University
Alexandra J. Fiocco (she/her) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Toronto Metropolitan University. As Director of the Stress and Health Aging Research (StAR) Lab, Alexandra’s program of research examines biopsychosocial factors that contribute to cognitive and emotional well-being in later adulthood. She also examines the effects of intervention strategies, including mindfulness training, on indices of cognitive and emotional health in older adults. Alexandra has been a member of the CAG since 2011. From 2014 to 2020, she served on the awards adjudication committee. In 2020, Alexandra joined the CAG Board of Directors as the Psychology Division Chair.

Division Chair, Social Policy & Practice
Kimberley Wilson
Associate Professor, Adult Development & Aging
University of Guelph
Kim Wilson (she/her) is an Associate Professor of Adult Development & Aging in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition at the University of Guelph. As a social gerontologist, Kim’s research is broadly focused on health and well-being for aging individuals and aging populations. Kim has been involved with CAG since attending the 2005 Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting and has served as the Social Policy & Practice Division Chair on the Board of Directors since 2017.

Division Chair, Social Sciences
Nicole Dalmer
Assistant Professor
McMaster University
Nicole Dalmer (she/her, they/them) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health, Aging and Society at McMaster University. She is also the Associate Director of the Gilbrea Centre for Studies in Aging at McMaster University. Nicole’s work takes up an interdisciplinary, critical gerontological approach as she explores the meanings, expectations, and values of connections (both with people and with technologies) in later life. Nicole has been a CAG member since 2013 and previously served as a CAG Student Connection representative with The University of Western Ontario.